Shutting Down The Magic…

This is the story of how shutting down the magic inspired me to rise above loss and grief; how Mom Ranae’s choices affected my life; and why I love RET and the Skills for Life.

I believe that Life often provides exactly what we need to complete our Soul’s Purpose. This is from the Book of GAL (Gospel According to Lynell). Thank you, Mom Ranae, for instilling in me enough self-esteem that I always believed I had and have something worthwhile to say. I believe people need this bit of ego to help them achieve their goals and go for their dreams! (Again, from the Book of GAL).

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Why I Believe in Magic

My Mother, Ranae, had several children in sets. She had a first marriage in which my older sister, Sharlene, and my older brother, Vern, were born. That marriage ended in divorce.

Ranae later married my father. Four children came to this union. My father died in a boating accident when I was 13 – an experience for another blog post.

Mom eventually met and married Joseph Johnson, a good man who helped her raise her children and build a beautiful six-acre setting for her thriving dream—Rapid Eye Technology (RET), dba The Rapid Eye Institute.

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Lynell … From The Beginning

I am happy to be blogging! This is new to me.  One of my mentors said, “Lynell, I think you have good things to say, you should be blogging!”  So I believe him.  Here goes…

I would like to start at the beginning.  Everywhere I go, I get asked, “What is Rapid Eye Technology (RET) and what is it like being the founder’s daughter?” After I explain it’s a stress reduction technique that is a lot like what your body does naturally in R.E.M. sleep to feel better; I reply next, “Really cool to be Ranae Johnson’s daughter AND I often feel like I got thrust into the blender of leadership, and have had to learn tools and skills FAST, and I’m not as good at it all as I want to be.”

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